10.7 Secure communication of Kerio MailServer with MS Entourage
4. Use the mouse pointer to move the certificate’s icon to the desktop, as shown at fig-
ure 10.26.
Figure10.26 Movingthe certificate to the desktop
5. Onthe desktop, click on the certificate. Inthe Add Certificates dialog box (see figure 10.27),
select the X509Anchors store type in the Keychain menu. The X509Anchors store includes
saved certificates which can sign and thus make trustworthy other certificates. It also
stores all trustworthy certificates.7
Figure10.27 TheAdd Certificates dialog box
Certificates work only if they are in the X509 format, encoded by Base64. If a certificate does not meet these
conditions, it is possible to convert it by a special application, Microsoft Cert Manager. This application can be
found under Applications Microsoft Office Office Microsoft Cert Manager. However, in this case usage of the
applicationwould be irrelevant. KerioMailServer creates certificates in the X509 format, encoded by Base64.