Chapter 2 Kerio WebMail Mini
To reply to the message you received, click the Reply button and edit the message in the
editbox. The email address of the person who has sent the original message is entered
automatically in the To field.
Reply all
The Reply all button works similarly to the Reply option, but your answer is sent not only
to the author of the message, but also to all recipients (except you).
Use the Forward button to open the dialog for forwarding a message; the To and Cc
fields are left blank, because the system does not know who do you intend to forward the
message to.
Use this button to either delete the selected message or move it to the Deleted items
folder. This option depends on Kerio WebMail Express configuration (see chapter 2.5).
After the message is deleted, the next message in the list is displayed (in the descending
order). If the deleted message was the last one in the list, previous message is displayed.
TIP: When you press the Delete button together with the Shift key, you will return back to
the message list.
Spam/Not spam
Marks message as spam or non-spam. For more information about spam, see chap-
ter 1.5.7.
TIP: When you press the Spam/Not spam button together with the Shift key, you will
return back to the message list.
Warning: Some of the buttons described above may miss if the message is opened in a folder
where the user rights are limited (for details on folder access rights, see chapter 1.10). In other
words, the message that is read-only (e.g. in public folders) can be forwarded or replied to,
but it cannot be deleted or marked as spam. These options are not displayed in the menu for
the “read-only” messages.
Note: InSettings (see chapter 2.5) it is possible to enable opening of messages in a new window.
This option is recommended especially for slower connections since messages are opened
faster in a new window.
Looking up messages
In Kerio WebMail Mini, two types of searching are available:
Simple search
This type is available by simple typing the searched string in the entry on the toolbar. The
search engine seeks the string in subjects and senders’ addresses of the folder currently