Chapter 1 Kerio WebMail
Figure1.48 Contacts
In the list view mode, information to individual contacts are listed in the columns. Contacts
can be sorted according to the information This view mode provides several advantages. First,
columns can be sorted and ordered in accordance with information they include. Click the
column heading to sort contacts in the ascending or descending order (see the arrow next to
the column name) by alphabet, numbers or time (depending on the column contents).
Users can also customize the information to be displayed. The columns can be added or
deleted. Right-click the table header and specify the column settings in the window where
columns to be displayed can be selected. The pop-up menu contains the Change columns
The width of the contacts list can be adjusted the same way as in the spreadsheet programs.
To change the column width, click between two columns in the table header and drag the
cursor right or left as needed. When the window is refreshed, layout of the columns is set to
the default mode.
1.6.3 New contact
Click on the New contact button in the toolbar or use the New contact item in the main folder
panel’s pop-up menu to access a dialog box with three tabs where the information about
a specific person can be entered.
The first tab (see figure 1.49) includes entries for general information to be specified. (the first
and last name, phone number, email address or personal web page URL can be specified).