5.3 Upgrade of the Kerio Outlook Connector
Figure5.11 Datafile settings
Kerio Outlook Connector can also check whether the Kerio is selected as a default message
store. By default, the check is enabled and if the Kerio is not selected as a default store when
MS Outlook is started, a warning is displayed.
Figure5.12 Thestore checking option
This option can be enabled/disabled in the Tools →Options →Preferences menu (see fig-
ure 5.12).
5.3 Upgradeof the Kerio Outlook ConnectorUpgrades of Kerio Outlook Connector are performed automatically. If a new version of Kerio
OutlookConnector is available, themodule is updated immediately upon the startup of MS Out-
Warning: When the update is completed, MS Outlook is restarted automatically.