Appendix A

Legal Presumption
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Internet Explorer , Active Directory, Outlook, Ac-
tiveSync, Entourageand Windows Mobileare registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpora-
Apple, iCal, Mac OS, Safari, Tigerand Pantherare trademarks or registered trade-
marks of Apple Computer, Inc.
Cybertrustis registered trademark of Cybertrust Holdings, Inc. and/or their filials.
Thawteis registered trademark of VeriSign, Inc.
Entrustis registered trademark of Entrust, Inc.
Palm, Treoand VersaMailare trademarks or registered trademarks of Palm, Inc.
Mozillaand Firefoxare registered trademarks of Mozilla Foundation.
NotifyLinkis registered trademark of Notify Technology Corporation.
BlackBerryis registered trademark of Research In Motion Limited.
RoadSyncis trademark of DataViz Inc.
Nokiaand Mail for Exchangeare registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation.
Symbianis trademark of Symbian Software Limited.
Sony Ericssonis registered trademark of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB.
SpamAssassinis trademark of Apache Software Foundation.
SpamHAUSis registered trademark of The Spamhaus Project Ltd.