Chapter 7 Usage of Various Functions
a) PID operation explanation (without A/T function)
Measure current temperature (-200~600°C) by RTD module then digital conversion value(0 ~ 4000) is stored to
PID8 instruction will calculate manipulate value (MV : 0 ~ 4000) based on PID parameter settings (P_GAIN,
I_TIME, D_TIME, etc.) and PV from RTD module. Then, the calculated MV is output to the channel 0 of D/A
D/A module will convert the MV to analog signal and output to the actuator (power converter).
b) operation parameters
Scan time : S_TIME=5 (sampling time = 0.5 seconds)
Auto / Manual operation setting : Auto
Output limit : Max. = 4000, Min = 0
High frequency noise removal ratio : 10
SV setting : 1300(60°C ),1350(70°C ),1400(80°C ),1500(100°C)
Current value setting : D4780(Digital value of RTD module Ch0)
BIAS setting : 0 (If only P control is used, input proper value other 0)
EN_P, EN_I, EN_D setting : input proper values
PWM setting : If enabled, input proper values.
SV Ramp setting : Input proper values.
Delta MV setting : Input proper values.
PID Algorithm setting : Select proper algorithm.
c) RTD module setting
Channel setting : use channel 0
RTD Type setting : Pt100
Digital conversion data registration area : D4780
d) D/A module setting
Channel setting : use channel 0
output range setting: DC 4 ~ 20 mA
D/A conversion data registration area : D4980