to find a matching name and/or number. When you see the name of the person to call listed, select it, and press the Talk button.
AutoFilter matches number to
acontact AutoFilter matches number from Call History
Making a call from Contacts
To call someone from the Contacts list, just select the person's name, and press the Talk button.
If you have more than one phone number for a contact, such as a Work phone number, a Home phone number, and a Fax number, the Work phone number is set as the default number. Pressing the Talk button will always dial the default number, but you can change the default number at any time.
To make a call by contact name
1.On the Home screen, press the Programs soft key, select Contacts, and then press the Action button.
2.Select the contact name to call, and press the Talk button.
Note: If you have a long list of contacts and you don't see the contact you want on the screen, you can enter the first few letters of the contact's name, and the Smartphone will search through the entire Contacts list and display the name.
40 - Phone Calls