Date and Time
Date and Time settings enable you to change the local time zone and the current date and time, and to set the alarm.
To view Date and Time settings
•On the Home screen, press the Programs soft key, select More, select Settings, select Date and Time, and then press the Action button.
Owner Information
Owner Information settings are used to enter and display personal information, such as your name, phone number, and
To view Owner Information settings
•On the Home screen, press the Programs soft key, select More, select Settings, select More, select Owner Information, and then press the Action button.
Power Management
Power Management settings are used to display
To view Power Management settings
•On the Home screen, press the Programs soft key, select More, select Settings, select More, select Power Management, and then press the Action button.
Regional Settings
Regional Settings are used to change the Smartphone's language, date, and time style, as well as number and currency formatting options.
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