6 |
Modifying the Environment
VMEbus Slave Image 3 Translation Offset = 00000000?
The configured value is written into the VSI3_TO register of the
Universe chip.
PCI Miscellaneous Register = 10000000?
The configured value is written into the LMISC register of the
Universe chip.
Special PCI Slave Image Register = 00000000?
The configured value is written into the SLSI register of the Universe chip.
Master Control Register = 80C00000?
The configured value is written into the MAST_CTL register of the Universe chip.
Miscellaneous Control Register = 52060000?
The configured value is written into the MISC_CTL register of the
Universe chip.
User AM Codes = 00000000?
The configured value is written into the USER_AM register of the
Universe chip.
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