Installing NetWare
Installing NetWare
During the installation processes, you are asked many
Note: Know your hardware before attempting this installation. You should install all drivers for your network interface boards on the hard drive where they can be accessed easily. For example, for SMC adapters, you should install the files in the directory, c:\smc.
To install NetWare, follow these steps:
1.At the
2.When prompted to “Select the type of installation desired,” select NetWare Server Installation and press Enter.
3.When prompted to “Choose the product you want to install,” select NetWare 4.1 and press Enter.
4.When prompted to “Select the type of installation you are performing,” select Simple Installation of NetWare 4.1 and press Enter.
5.When prompted to “Specify the server name,” enter a short descriptive alphanumeric title and press Enter.
6.Assign an internal IPX number. To select the default, press Enter.
7.Select the source and destination paths. To select the defaults, press Enter.
8.Select a local configuration and press Enter.
9.Select a filename format. Press Enter to select DOS.
10.To specify special startup commands, select Yes and press Enter. Otherwise, select No.
11.To allow NetWare to run from AUTOEXEC.BAT, select Yes and press Enter. Otherwise, select No.
Installing Netware |