8.Holding the board by its top edge or upper corners, firmly press the board into an expansion slot on the system board. The tapered foot of the option board retaining bracket must fit into the mating hole in the expansion slot .
Installing an Option Board
9.Align the rounded notch in the option board retaining bracket with the alignment tab in the expansion slot frame. The retaining bracket fits into the space that was occupied by the expansion slot cover.
10.Be sure to push the bracket slot up against the expansion slot frame. If this is not done, the bracket may interfere with an adjacent bracket.
11.Install the previously removed expansion slot retainer bar by pressing its top fastener into the top of the expansion slot frame. The bottom tapered tab of the expansion slot retainer bar fits into the mating slot on the bottom of the expansion slot frame.
12.Connect any external cables (if they are needed) to the installed option board.
13.Replace the left side panel; plug in the system power cord, and power on the system.