Voice Over
Voice Over
Get through to a
Voice Over lets a user get through to a keyset extension user busy on a handset call. With Voice Over, the busy keyset extension user hears an alert tone followed by the voice of the interrupting party. The keyset extension user can respond to the interrupting party without being heard by the original caller. If desired, the keyset extension user can easily switch between their original caller and the interrupting
Voice Over could help a lawyer, for example, waiting for an urgent call. While on a call with another client, the lawyer’s paralegal could announce the urgent call as soon as it comes in. The lawyer could then give the para- legal instructions on how to handle the situation — all without the original client hearing the conversation.
Either a keyset or SLT can initiate a Voice Over, but only a keyset can receive a Voice Over.
Voice Over uses a system Conference circuit. The following table shows the system’s Conference capacities:
Description | Capacity |
Conference circuits | 32 |
Maximum simultaneous users in Conference | 32 |
(total of all Conferences |
Maximum simultaneous conferences | 8 |
Maximum parties in any one Conference | 8 |
(lines and/or extensions) |
The system’s 32 Conference circuits are dynamically allocated as users request them.
Using Voice Over | In these instructions: |
[Super Display Soft Key] | |
| [Keyset Soft Key] |
To initiate a Voice Over to a busy extension: |
1. | Listen for busy/ring tone. |
| ||
| • If you don’t hear busy ring, you cannot Voice Over. | |||
| ||
2. | Do one of the following. |
| ||
| a. | [Vovr] |
| Press to select Voice Over, then speak with your |
| [Voice Over] |
| ||
| |
| |
| b. | Dial 9, then speak with your | ||
| |
| ||||
To respond to a Voice Over alert one to your extension: | ||||
| |
1. | Listen for two beeps while on a call. | |||
| ||
2. | Press and hold MUTE. |
| ||
| |||
3. | Release MUTE to talk to your initial caller. | |||
| • You can repeat this procedure as long as Voice Over initiator doesn’t hang up. | |||
174 ◆ Features | DSX Feature Handbook |