Directory Dialing
Directory Dialing
Allows users to place Intercom or Speed Dial calls from a displayed list of names.
Directory Dialing allows a display keyset user to select a
❥Intercom names (including extension, Ring Group and UCD Group names).
❥Personal Speed Dial names.
Using Directory Dialing | In these instructions: |
[Super Display Soft Key] | |
| [Keyset Soft Key] |
To place a call using Directory Dialing: |
1. | Select the Directory Dialing type. | |
| [DIRECTORY + EXTENSION] | Select Intercom Directory Dialing. |
| [DIR + EXT] | • You can optionally dial 34 (while on hook). |
| |
| [DIRECTORY + PERSONAL] | Select Personal Speed Dial Directory Dialing. |
| [DIR + PERS] | • You can optionally dial 37 (while on hook). |
| |
| [DIRECTORY + COMPANY] | Select System Speed Dial Directory Dialing. |
| [DIR + CMPY] | • You can optionally dial 32 (while on hook). |
| |
2.Do one of the following:
a. To place the call by scrolling:
i.Press Volume Up or Volume Down until the name you want to call displays.
ii. | [Dial] | Select to call the displayed name. | |
[Dial] | |||
| ||
b.To place the call by alphabetical dialing:
i.Dial the first letter of the desired name.
•For example, dial 4 if the name begins with G, H, or I.
Look at your telephone’s display and dial the digit for the letter you want to call.
•In the example in step i:
-Dial 1 if the name begins with G.
ii.- Dial 2 if the name begins with H.
-Dial 3 if the name begins with I.
•The first name that begins with your selection displays. If you see UNLISTED NAME, there is no name stored for your selection.
Press Volume Up or Volume Down to scroll through all the names that begin with the
iii.letter you selected.
Skip to the next step if the display name is the one you want to call.
iv. | [Dial] | Select to call the displayed name. | |
[Dial] | |||
| ||
To exit Directory Dialing at any time:
54 ◆ Features | DSX Feature Handbook |