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(pulse or tone) for your area. If you hear changing tones instead of dialling pulses and you know that your area uses pulse dialling, refer to the MF(TONE)/DP(PULSE) user function setting in the Programming chapter.
The display shows a communication error. This alarm indicates any of a number of problems. You may be trying to communicate with an incompatible fax machine (your machine can only communicate with
68Problem Solving
may need servicing. Try sending a fax to another location to check your machine.
You sent a fax but the image the remote fax machine received was very poor. If your docu- ment had a lot of small type, complex illustrations, photos, or was very light or very dark, try changing your Transmit Resolution and Type of Original set- tings (see Loading Documents in the Basic Operations chapter). Copy the document on your fax machine to see how it will transmit. The prob- lem may be caused by telephone line interference. Try sending the document again later.
You keep getting reports you do not want. Check your user function settings and turn off the reports you do not want. See the Programming chapter.
You sent a fax but it was received completely blank. Make sure that you have loaded your docu- ment face down.
The image received on your fax machine was very poor. Contact the person sending you the fax and ask them to change their Transmit Resolution and Type of Original settings. Ask the person to make a copy of the document on their fax machine to ensure that it is working properly. Then ask them to send the fax again. If you still have a problem, try making a copy of a document on your machine to make sure it is working properly.