


put command, 68, 73, 76, 85 pwd command, 68, 73, 75


quit command, 68, 73, 77


radioactivity, xxiv

READ DATA FILE (FREAD) instruction, 26, 60 Receive file with specified extension only field, 39, 41 Receive Mail Tab, 39, 40

Receive Request Switch, 119

Receive specified commands only field, 39, 41 remote mail commands

accessing CPU Unit’s I/O memory area, 35 changing the CPU Unit’s operating mode, 35 command/response format, 42

file memory operations, 36 mail receive function

initial settings, 66

performing an e-mail send/receive test, 36 reading/clearing the e-mail log, 36 reading/clearing the error log, 36 response codes, 59

sending, 66

sending FINS commands, 36

rename command, 68, 73

replacing Units precautions, xxv

response codes

remote mail commands, 59 Results Storage Area, 139

Socket Service Request Switches, 120

Results Storage Area, 139

Retry timer field, 7, 19, 39, 92, 93

rmdir command, 68, 73

routing tables precautions, xxvi

RUN indicator error display, 29


safety precautions, xxii

Send Error Log information field, 20, 22 Send file data or I/O memory data field, 22 Send Mail Status words, 24, 25

Send Mail Tab, 20, 21, 31

Send mail upon trigger field, 22

Send Request Switch, 119

Send status information field, 20, 22

Send user data field, 20, 22

Server access interval time field, 6, 19, 39

Server specification type field, 4, 6, 19, 39, 92, 93 Setup Tab, 71

short-circuits precautions, xxv

SMTP communications, 3, 37

SMTP server, 6, 30

SMTP Tab, 4, 19, 39 initial settings, 30

SNTP communications, 4

SNTP server, 2, 6

automatic clock adjustment errors, 94

obtaining clock information, 90 socket services, 2, 3

applications, 136

CIO Area allocations, 110 functions, 103 parameters, 112 precautions, 155

Socket Service Parameter Area, 104, 113 Socket Service Request Switches, 103, 119

application procedure, 112 precautions, 156

Socket Status Area, 113 TCP communications, 105

parameters, 116 TCP sockets

status, 110

timing charts, 125, 139 transmission delays, 157 UDP communications, 105

parameters, 116 UDP sockets

status, 110

using CMND(490) instruction, 103, 105, 136 using Socket Service Request Switches, 104


sockets opening, 100 overview, 99


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