I/O memory data, 15
CSV format, 61
IOM format, 60
TXT format, 61
I/O tables creating, 30
ICF, 162
inspections, 205
installation location, xxiv
Interval time field, 20, 24
IO memory data field, 20, 22
IOM field, 41
IOM format, 15, 26 IOMRead command, 2, 35
command/response format, 51
IOMRead field, 41
IOMWrite command, 2, 35 command/response format, 49
IOMWrite field, 41
IP Address field, 5, 7, 19, 39, 92, 93 IP communications
IP addresses
remote devices, 117
programming examples, 127, 131, 141, 149
LNK indicator error display, 29
Local mail address field, 4, 19, 39
locking devices precautions, xxv
Login field, 71
Low Voltage Directive, xxvi ls command, 68, 73, 74
Mail address 1 field, 19, 21 Mail address 2 field, 19, 21 Mail address field, 20, 22, 39, 40 Mail Address Tab, 19, 21, 31 Mail password field, 6, 19, 39 mail receive function, 2
access times for CPU Units, 62 advantages, 34
attached files, 35, 37 settings, 40 transfer times, 62
command parameters, 35 compression, 37 configuration, 34 decoding, 37
remote mail commands, 35 response codes, 59
settings, 39 DNS Tab, 39 POP Tab, 39 Receive Mail Tab, 39 SMTP Tab, 39
SMTP settings, 4 specifications, 36 status, 60
mail send function, 2, 3
access times for CPU Units, 28 advantages, 10
application example, 30 attached files, 10, 15, 17, 22
transfer times, 27 body, 17
comparison with earlier versions, 11 compatibility, 11
compression, 17 conditions, 11, 22 data sent, 22
error codes, 29 errors, 28
troubleshooting with indicators, 29 Ethernet Unit information, 14 procedure, 18
protocols, 17
send conditions, 17