Table of Protocols |
| Section | |
Timing and | User purpose | Communications | Method | Restrictions |
direction |
| service |
Automatic execu- | Reading data in the | Mail Send Func- | Specify a data file as an attached | The maximum data |
tion when a preset | CPU Unit's I/O mem- | tion | file and specify the starting read | size is 6,000 |
condition is met, | ory |
| address and number of words. | words. |
sent to computer |
Reading data from a |
| Specify any file as an attached file. | The maximum data | |
(See note.) |
| |||
Memory Card installed |
| size is 1 MB. | |
| ||
| in the CPU Unit |
| Receiving a user- |
| Store the desired message in | The maximum |
| defined message as |
| ASCII in the CPU Unit's I/O mem- | message length is |
| an |
| ory. | 1,024 characters |
| (alphanumeric |
| characters only). |
Performing operations | FTP Server Func- | Login to the Ethernet Unit from the | The data size is not | |
ing, sent from com- | on EM file memory or | tion | FTP client software and send the | restricted. The IP |
puter | a Memory Card |
| FTP command. | address for the |
| installed in the CPU |
| Ethernet Unit must |
| Unit |
| be private and |
| fixed. |
| Reading and writing | Socket Service | Socket service operations can be | The IP address for |
| data in the CPU Unit's | Function | executed by executing the CMND | the Ethernet Unit |
| I/O memory from a |
| instruction or setting control bits in | must be private |
| general application |
| the PLC. | and fixed. |
| (not using FINS com- |
| munications) |
Performed at a set | Automatically correct- | Automatic Clock | Install the SNTP server in the net- | |
time every day or | ing the PLC's internal | Adjust Function | work and schedule the synchroni- |
from the ladder | clock |
| zation time in the Ethernet Unit. |
program |
Temporarily con- | Performing online | FINS communica- | One function stores the counter- | The IP address for |
necting a computer | operations on the CPU | tions | part FINS nodes' connection infor- | the Ethernet Unit |
to perform opera- | Unit |
| mation. Another function | must be private |
tions from a FINS |
| automatically assigns node | and fixed. |
application such as |
| addresses. |
the |
mer |
Performing opera- |
| A function supports simultaneous | |
tions from two or |
| online connections of multiple |
more FINS appli- |
| applications in the computer. |
cations in the com- |
puter |
Note Any one of the following conditions can be specified to send
A periodic timer times out, the Mail Send Switch is turned from OFF to ON, a specified word contains a particular value, a specified bit turns from OFF to ON, the CPU Unit's operating mode changes, a fatal error occurs, or an event is stored in the error log.
Table of Protocols |
| |||
| |
Communications | Protocol used | Situation when used | CX- | Reference | |
| service |
| Programmer's |
| Unit setting tag |
| name |
Mail Send Function | SMTP | Required | SMTP | SECTION 2 Mail | |
| Send Function |
| POP | When using “POP before SMTP” | POP | |
| |||
| DNS | When specifying the SMTP server and | DNS |
| POP server by host names |