Mail Send Function SpecificationsSection 2-3


Mail Send Function Specifications


Function Specifications













Destination e-mail address

Up to 2 addresses can be registered in the Unit Setup (CPU Bus Unit System Setup) and




the addresses can be up to 50 characters long.








Fixed text (Depends on the trigger condition.)








User-set information (up to 1,024 bytes), the Ethernet Unit's error log, and the Ethernet




Unit's status information can be included individually or in any combination.







Data format

Any one of the following files can be selected in the Unit Setup (CPU Bus Unit System









• I/O memory data




When the mail send condition is established, the data starting at the specified address in




the CPU Unit's I/O memory is automatically converted to a data file (.IOM, .TXT, or




.CSV) and sent as an attachment.




• File data





A Windows file with any filename extension







Data size

• I/O memory data: Up to 6,000 words (The max. size is the same for all file types.)




• File data: Up to 1 MB








MIME (version 1.0) format







Number of

Only 1 allowed









Mail triggers

The mail triggers can be selected in the Unit Setup (CPU Bus Unit System Setup).




1. OFF to ON transition of a dedicated control bit (the Mail Send Switch)




2. Change in the value of a specified word (=, <>, <, <=, >=, or >)




3. Change in the status of a specified bit (OFF-to-ON or ON-to-OFF transition)




4. Change in the Ethernet Unit (event entered into the error log)




5. Change in the CPU Unit (non-fatal error occurred, fatal error occurred, or operating




mode changed)




6. Periodic timer




Note Set the monitoring interval when using triggers 2 and 3. Set the sending interval




when using trigger 6.



Number of mail triggers

Up to 8 triggers can be set and operated simultaneously.



Contents of send mail condi-

Make the following settings in the Unit Setup (CPU Bus Unit System Setup):

tion settings 1 to 8

E-mail body information (user-set information, error log, and status information)







• Attached file type (any file in file memory or data file with filename extension .IOM, .TXT,




or .CSV), attached file name




• Mail trigger type (set trigger types listed above for triggers 1 to 8, trigger data address,




and word comparison set value)




• Starting address of user-set information




• Starting address of attached I/O memory data and number of words




• Time interval (Set for mail trigger 2 change in value of specified word, mail trigger 3




change in status of specified bit, or mail trigger 6 periodic timer)




Sending method





Us ASCII (Information types 2 through 4 can be sent in the body.)




Attached file: Base64















Protocols used

SMTP (port number 25: can be changed with the CX-Programmer Unit Setup)




(The POP before SMTP method can also be set.)



Mail send status

Transmission status information such as mail being sent, normal completion, and error




completion is indicated for each of the 8 send mail condition settings in words m (Mail Sta-




tus 1) and m+17 (Mail Status 2) in the DM Area words allocated to the Ethernet Unit as a




CPU Bus Unit.


Page 41
Image 41
Omron CJ1W-ETN21 operation manual Mail Send Function Specifications