Common Protocol Settings | Section |
Item | Contents | Default |
Server specification | Select whether the POP3 server used for | IP Address |
type | receiving mail is to be specified by IP |
| address or the host's domain name (i.e., |
| host name). |
IP Address | Set the IP address for the POP3 server | |
| used for receiving mail. |
| This setting is enabled only when “IP |
| address” is selected as the method for |
| specifying the server. |
Host name | Set the host domain name (i.e., the host | None |
| name) for the POP3 server that is to be |
| used for receiving mail. |
| This setting is enabled only when “host |
| name” is selected as the method for speci- |
| fying the server. |
Port No. | Set the port to be used for connecting to the | 0 |
| POP3 server that is to be used for receiving | (Number 110 is |
| mail. | used.) |
| This setting does not normally need to be |
| changed. |
Account Name | Sets the account name (up to 9 characters) | None |
| of the account used to send and receive e- |
| mail. |
| Only alphanumeric characters can be used. |
| If no account name is set, the portion of the |
| local |
| be used. In this case, the number of charac- |
| ters in the account name is not restricted. |
Mail password | Sets the password (up to 8 characters) of | None |
| the account used to send and receive e- |
| mail. |
Server access inter- | Set the interval for sending and receiving | 0 |
val time | mail. Mail will be automatically sent and | (5 minutes) |
| received at the interval set here. |
1-4-3 DNS
The DNS server's settings must be entered when the POP3 server, SMTP server, and SNTP server are specified with host names.