Shared Diagnostic Control Panel (SDCP) Installation
A single Shared Diagnostic Control Panel (SDCP) can control up to eight carriers containing up to 128 compatible T1 CSUs, T1 DSU/CSUs, DSUs, or dial/lease modems. The number of devices that can be installed in a carrier or cabinet is reduced when Time Division Multiplexer (TDM) or Multichannel Multipoint (MCMP)
circuit cards are also installed. A TDM or MCMP circuit card (functioning as a multiplexer or digital bridge) is physically attached to Models 3551, 3611, and 3616 DSUs and occupies a separate slot in the carrier. In a single carrier without an NMS connection, an SDU is not required to provide the SDCP interface. In a cabinet configuration of two or more carriers, however, an SDU is required in each carrier to connect the SDCP interface from carrier to carrier. Figure
Figure 3-11. Shared Diagnostic Control Panel
| Table |
| Shared Diagnostic Control Panel Status Indicators | |
Label | Color |
| Description |
OK | green |
| Health and status indicator for the selected |
| 3151/3161/3551/3611/3616/3811/3911; mirrors the OK indicator on the |
| 3151/3161/3551/3611/3616/3811/3911 faceplate and the power indicator on |
| the 3811/3911. |
Alarm | red |
| Health and status indicator for the selected |
| 3151/3161/3551/3611/3616/3811/3911; mirrors the Alrm indicator on the |
| 3151/3161/3551/3611/3616/3811/3911. |
BckUp | yellow |
| Mirrors the Dial indicator on the selected 3551/3611/3616/3811/3911. Not |
| used for the 3151/3161. |
Test | yellow |
| Mirrors the Test indicator on the selected |
| 3151/3161/3551/3611/3616/3811/3911. |
EC | green |
| Error Correction indicator for use by 3811/3911 modems. Not used for the |
| 3151/3161/3611/3616. |
December 1994 |