P o s i t i o n i n g
This menu includes selections to change the print, supply, margin, cut, and dispense positions along with the backfeed distance.
When you see
Enter print pos
Feed/Cut acts as a toggle switch to change the value by 10 or 1. For example, to make the print position 23 (from the default of 0), press Feed/Cut, then press r twice (20), press Feed/Cut again and press r three times (23).
P r i n t P o s i t i o n
This function adjusts where data prints vertically on the supply. Adjust the print if it is too close to the top or bottom of the supply, or overtypes the
If the data is too close to the bottom, increase the number.
If the data is too close to the top, decrease the number.
Changing this setting only affects new
formats sent to the printer.
Setting Supply Options