l USA r
3.Press l or r until you see the country’s monetary sign you want.
4.Press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
S e c o n d a r y S i g n
If you select USA as the monetary sign, you can print amounts less than $1.00 either by using a dollar sign and decimal ($0.30) or by using a cent sign (30¢).
If you set the secondary sign option to No, prices under $1.00 will print like this: $ .45
If you set the secondary sign option to Yes, prices under $1.00 will print like this: 45¢
The same option applies to the appropriate secondary sign for monetary signs other than USA.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults. Then, follow these steps.
1.Press l or r until you see
lSecondary Sign r
2.Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
No r