Are you sure?
No r
4.Press r to display "Yes" and press Enter/Pause.
The printer’s flash memory is cleared and reformatted. This process may take several minutes. The printer reboots automatically after formatting flash memory. You need to resend any fonts you want to use to flash memory again. You return to the "Print Mode Ready" menu.
C h e c k i n g A v a i l a b l e F l a s h M e m o r y
If you receive errors when downloading a script or other packets, make sure you have enough flash memory available.
When you format flash memory, the script and any downloaded TrueType fonts saved in the printer’s flash memory are deleted and must be resent to the printer.
To check available flash memory, from the Main Menu, select Setup. Then, follow these steps.
1.Press l or r until you see
l Flash Memory r