E n a b l i n g S t a t u s P o l l i n g
Status polling allows you to obtain information about the readiness of the printer and the current (or last received) print job. Your System Administrator can enable status polling while the printer is running in Script mode. To enable status polling:
1.From the Script Menu, press l or r until you see
l Status Polling r
2.Press Enter/Pause.
Enable Polling
No r
3.Use l or r to select either "Yes" or "No" and press Enter/Pause. The default is "No."
E n a b l i n g I m m e d i a t e C o m m a n d s
Your System Administrator can use immediate commands to reset the printer or cancel and repeat batches. To enable immediate commands:
1.From the Script Menu, press l or r until you see
lImmed Commands
2.Press Enter/Pause.
Enable Immed?
No r
3.Use l or r to select either "Yes" or "No" and press Enter/Pause. The default is "No."
4.Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.