Temperature (°C or °F Avg/ Max/ Min)
Average, maximum and minimum temperature of the exercise alternate.
Ascended meters/feet (Ascent)
You can see the ascended meters/ feet of the exercise.
Power* (Pwr Avg/ Max)
Average and maximum output power of the exercise alternate.
Pedaling index* (PI Avg/Max)
Average and maximum pedaling index of the exercise alternate.
Left right pedaling balance* (LRB Avg)
You can see the average balance between left and right foot pedaling.
Heart rate limits 1, 2, 3 and summary (Limits 1/ Limits 2/ Limits 3/ Limits S) Settings of the heart rate limits alternate on the display. Limits 1 are used for heart rate zone 1, limits 2 for zone 2, limits 3 for zone 3 and limits S for summary zone.
Summary limits are not shown or alarmed during an exercise. The time spent within/above/below the summary limits can be seen from the exercise file.
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