SOLA 4000 - Operating Panel
3 Communication with a PC
For systems with multiple static bypasses
Overload The UPS is overloaded by more than the nominal output load current
Load on Bypass The UPS system load is being supplied by the bypass supply.
Inverter not synchronised The inverter is not synchronised to the bypass supply.
Auxiliary Alarm This alarm consists of a series of system alarms and includes the following:
•Oscillator failure
A failure has occurred in the oscillator circuit or a loss of synchronism with another oscillator of another unit within the system.
•IUG monitoring failure
An error has occurred within the monitoring circuit of the output switch (disabled for single units).
•Static switch failure (SSI)
A failure has occurred within the monitoring circuit of the inverter output static switch.
•Static switch failure (SSB)
A failure has occurred within the monitoring circuit of the bypass static switch.
•Missing or incorrect bypass trip signal (parallel and hot- standby systems)
An indifference has occurred within the bypass trip logic of this unit and the remainder of the system.
•System not redundant (parallel /redundant systems)
If the inverter of the unit signalling this alarm fails, the system must transfer to the bypass supply.
A failure or loss of synchronism has occurred with the SSI ON pulse generator on IPR pcb and may occur during
To determine which of the alarm(s) are present refer to the section "PCB Description" JUE 401069.
JUE 401267