A |
Accent Rate (Arpeggio Accent Rate) | 63 |
Active Exp Sw (Active Expression Switch) | 46 |
ACTIVE EXPRESS (Active Expression) | 32 |
Aftertouch | 93 |
Arpeggiator | 23, 62 |
Arpeggio Accent Rate | 63 |
Arpeggio Hold Switch | 63 |
Arpeggio Key Trigger | 63 |
Arpeggio Keyboard Velocity | 63 |
Arpeggio Motif | 62 |
Arpeggio Octave Range | 63 |
Arpeggio Shuffle Rate | 63 |
Arpeggio Shuffle Resolution | 63 |
Arpeggio Style | 62 |
Arpeggio Variation | 62 |
Assign a name | 43 |
Patch Name | 45 |
Performance Name | 56 |
Rhythm Set Name | 52 |
Attack Time | 28, 48 |
C |
90 | |
Category | 45 |
Category groups | 20 |
Channel messages | 92 |
Character | 87 |
Chord memory | 64 |
Chorus | 35 |
Chorus Delay Time | 86 |
Chorus Depth | 87 |
Chorus Feedback Level | 86 |
Chorus Level | 86 |
Chorus Parameters | 86 |
Chorus | 86 |
Chorus Rate | 86 |
Chorus send level to reverb | 87 |
Chorus Send Lvl (Chorus Send Level) |
Patch Tone Parameters | 46 |
Performance Part Effects | 58 |
Rhythm Tone Parameters | 53 |
Chorus Type | 86 |
Clock Source | 89 |
Coarse Tune | 46 |
Control Change | 93 |
Ctrl 1, 2 | 69 |
Current Part | 40 |
cursor | 42 |
CUTOFF | 29 |
Cutoff Freq (Cutoff Frequency) | 47 |
D |
D Beam Controller | 31 |
D BEAM SENS | 34 |
Decay Time | 28 |
Patch Tone Parameters | 48 |
Delay | 86 |
Delay Feedback | 87 |
Demo songs | 18 |
Depth | 87 |
Device ID (Device ID Number) | 91 |
E |
Edit |
Performance Settings | 55 |
Effect Signal Path | 66 |
Effects | 41, 65 |
ENT | 42 |
Envelope | 48 |
Exclusive messages | 93 |
ExpressionDst (Expression Destination) | 46 |
F |
Patch Utility | 51 |
Performance Utility | 61 |
Feedback | 86 |
Filter | 47 |
Filter LFO (Filter LFO Switch) | 47 |
Fine Tune | 47 |
G |
GENERAL | 89 |
General MIDI | 9 |
General MIDI 2 | 9 |
H |
Hold (Arpeggio Hold Switch) | 63 |
Hold Pedal (Hold Pedal Polarity) | 89 |
I |
Input |
Numbers and numerals | 43 |
K |
Kbd Velocity (Arpeggio Keyboard Velocity) | 63 |
Key Mode | |
Key Trigger (Arpeggio Key Trigger) | 63 |
L |
LCD Contrast | 16, 89 |
Level |
Chorus Level | 86 |
Part Level | 56 |
Performance Level | 56 |
Reverb Level | 87 |
Rhythm Tone | 52 |
LFO | 27, 47 |
LFO Delay | 47 |
LFO Depth | 47 |
LFO Rate | 47 |
Local Control (Local Controller) | 89 |