Effects List
Parameter | Value | Description |
Mod Level | Volume of the chorus or flanger | |
| sound. |
Trem/Pan | OFF, ON | Turns the tremolo/auto pan effect |
Sw |
| on/off. |
Trem Mode | TREMOLO, | Selects whether to use tremolo or auto |
| AUTO PAN | pan. |
Trem | TRI, | Selects the type of modulation. |
Waveform | SAWUP, | TRI: Triangle wave |
| SAWDN, | SAWUP/SAWDN: Sawtooth Wave |
| SQR, SIN | SQR: Square wave |
| SIN: Sine wave |
Trem Rate | Frequency of modulation | |
| Hz, note |
Trem Depth | Depth of modulation |
37: Keyboard Multi
A ring modulator,
Ring Modulator is an effect which applies ring modulation using an internal oscillator to the input signal, producing bell- like sounds.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Ring Freq | Frequency at which modulation | |
| will be applied |
Ring Balance | DRY100:0WET– | Volume balance between the di- |
| DRY0:100WET | rect sound (DRY) and the ring |
| modulated sound (WET) |
EQ Low Freq | Frequency of the low range | |
EQ Low Gain | Gain of the low range | |
EQ Mid Freq | Frequency of the middle range | |
EQ Mid Q | 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, | Gain of the middle range |
| 4.0, 8.0 | Set a higher value for Q to nar- |
| row the range to be affected. |
EQ Mid Gain | Gain of the middle range | |
EQ Hi Freq | Frequency of the high range | |
EQ Hi Gain | Gain of the high range | |
PS Grade | Sets the grade of the effect sound. | |
| The higher the value is set, the |
| more |
| obtained; however, this increases |
| the delay from the source sound |
| as well. |
PS Coarse | Specifies the pitch shift amount | |
| semitone | in semitone steps. |
PS Fine | Adjusts the pitch shift amount in | |
| |
| semitone). |
PS Balance | DRY100:0WET– | Volume balance between the di- |
| DRY0:100WET | rect sound (DRY) and the effect |
| sound (WET) |
Phaser Man- | Specifies the center frequency at | |
ual |
| which the sound is modulated. |
Parameter | Value | Description |
Phaser Rate | Specifies the frequency of modu- | |
| note | lation. |
Phaser Depth | Specifies the depth of modula- | |
| tion. |
Phaser Reso- | Specifies the amount of feedback | |
nance |
| for the phaser. |
| Higher settings will give the |
| sound a stronger character. |
Phaser Mix | Specifies the volume of the | |
Level |
| |
| the direct sound. |
Delay Time | Adjusts the delay time from the | |
| direct sound until the delay |
| sound is heard. |
Delay Feed- | Adjusts the proportion of the de- | |
back |
| lay sound that is fed back into the |
| effect. Negative |
| invert the phase. |
Low Damp | Adjusts the frequency below | |
Freq |
| which sound fed back to the ef- |
| fect will be cut. |
| The Low Damp function damps |
| the low frequency band of the |
| delay sound quicker than other |
| bands, which makes for a clearer |
| delay effect. |
Low Damp | Degree of Low Damp | |
Gain |
Hi Damp | Adjusts the frequency above | |
Freq |
| which sound fed back to the ef- |
| fect will be cut. |
| High Damp, by attenuating the |
| higher frequencies first, makes |
| the delay sound more natural. |
Hi Damp | Degree of High Damp | |
Gain |
Delay Level | Volume of the delay sound. |
38: Phonograph
This effect reproduces the sound of an analog record played on a record player. This includes the various noises with the characteristic of records and the uneven rotation of older turntables.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Input Mode | MONO, STE- | Use this setting to select either a |
| REO | stereo or monaural record player |
| for the effect. |
Signal Dist | Degree of distortion | |
Frequency | Sets the frequency response of the | |
Range |
| record player. |
| Lowering the value degrades the |
| frequency characteristics, making |
| the sound resemble that from an |
| older system. |
Disk Type | LP, EP, SP | Sets the turntable rotation speed. |
| LP: 33 1/3 r.p.m. |
| EP: 45 r.p.m. |
| SP: 78 r.p.m. |