Effects List
09:Dynamic Processor (Stereo Dynamic Processor)
A comp/limiter, enhancer,
Comp/Limiter is able to use as a compressor, which controls inconsistencies in sound levels by suppressing high sound levels while lifting weaker signals, or as a limiter that prevents the signal from reaching exceedingly high levels.
Enhancer regulates the
Noise Suppressor leaves the original sound unmodified, but mutes only the noise during the silent intervals.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Comp Sw | OFF, ON | Turns the comp/limiter on/off. |
Comp | Sets the volume level at which the | |
Threshold |
| compression begins. |
Comp Attack | Sets the time after the sound vol- | |
| ume is crossed the compressor |
| threshold until compression be- |
| gins. |
Comp Re- | Specifies the time from when the | |
lease |
| volume drops below the compres- |
| sor threshold until compression is |
| no longer applied. |
Comp Ratio | 1.5:1, 2:1, 4:1, | Sets the “source sound:output |
| 100:1 | sound” compression ratio. |
Comp Gain | Output gain | |
Enhan Sw | OFF, ON | Turns the enhancer on/off. |
Enhan Sens | Sensitivity of the enhancer | |
Enhan Fre- | Sets the lower limit of the frequen- | |
quency |
| cies to which the enhancement ef- |
| fect is added. |
Enhan Mix | Level of the overtones generated | |
Level |
| by the enhancer |
Enhan Level | Volume of the enhancer sound | |
EQ Low Freq | Frequency of the low range | |
EQ Low Gain | Gain of the low range | |
EQ Mid Freq | Frequency of the middle range | |
EQ Mid Q | 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, | Gain of the middle range |
| 4.0, 8.0 | Set a higher value for Q to narrow |
| the range to be affected. |
EQ Mid Gain | Gain of the middle range | |
EQ Hi Freq | Frequency of the high range | |
EQ Hi Gain | Gain of the high range | |
NS Sw | OFF, ON | Turns the noise suppressor on/off. |
NS Thresh- | Adjusts the level at which the noise | |
old |
| suppressor will begin to take ef- |
| fect. |
| When the signal drops below the |
| specified level, it will be muted. |
NS Release | Sets the transition time from when | |
| the noise suppression starts to the |
| point where the volume reaches 0. |
10: Tape Echo Simulator
This virtual tape echo gives you real tape delay sound. This simulates the tape echo part of Roland’s
Parameter | Value | Description |
Mode | S, M, L, | Sets the combination of playback heads |
| S+M, S+L, | to be used. |
| M+L, | The |
| S+M+L | make different delay times (Short, Me- |
| dium, and Long delay) at once. For ex- |
| ample, to use the short and middle |
| heads, select S+M. |
Repeat Rate | Sets the tape speed. | |
| This corresponds to the delay time in a |
| contemporary delay effect. |
Intensity | Sets the repeat times of the delayed | |
| sound. |
| This is analogous to a contemporary de- |
| lay’s feedback setting. |
Bass | These are the echo sound’s bass and tre- | |
Treble |
| ble adjustments. |
| When set to 0, they make no change to | |
| |
| the sound. |
Head S Pan | These are the pan | |
Head M Pan |
| for each of the heads for Short, Medi- |
| um, and Long delay time. | |
Head L Pan |
| |
| * This parameter does not appear on the | |
| |
| original |
Tape Distor- | Adds the distortion characteristic of | |
tion |
| tape. |
(Tape DS) |
| The distortion gets more intense as the |
| value is increased. |
W/F Rate | Frequency of the wow and flutter mod- | |
| ulation |
| The wavering of multiple pitches that |
| appears from tape wear and irregulari- |
| ties in rotation is called wow and flut- |
| ter. |
W/F Depth | Modulation depth of the wow and flut- | |
| ter |
Echo Level | Volume of the echo sound. |
11: Stereo Delay
This is a stereo delay. Depending on the length of the delay you set, you can get long echoes, thick sounds, or spatial sounds.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Mode | MONO, | Switches stereo, monaural, or alter- |
| STEREO, | nate. |
| ALTERNATE | MONO: This is a |
| |
| (left and right) are mixed before be- |
| ing input. |
| STEREO: This is a |
| output delay. The delay sound out- |
| put features the same stereo place- |
| ment as that of the input. |
| ALTERNATE: The left and right |
| delay sound output alternately. |
| (Alternate delay) |