Sprint Callback
Return a call after listening to a message without disconnecting from voicemail.
▶Press after listening to a message. (Once the call is complete, you’re returned to the voicemail main menu.)
Record and send a voice message to other Sprint Voicemail users.
1.From the main voicemail menu, press to send a message.
2.Follow the voice prompts to enter the phone number.
3.Follow the voice prompts to record and send your voice message.
Reply to a voice message received from any other Sprint Voicemail user.
1.After listening to a voice message, press .
2.Follow the voice prompts to record and send your reply.
Forward a voice message, except those marked “Private,”to other Sprint Voicemail users.
1.After listening to a message, press .
2.Follow the voice prompts to enter the phone number.
3.Follow the voice prompts to record your introduction and forward the voice message.