Using Call Guard
Your phone has two ways of alerting you when you are roaming off the Sprint National Network: the onscreen roaming icon and Call Guard. Call Guard makes it easy to manage your roaming charges by requiring an extra step before you can place or answer a roaming call. (This additional step is not required when you make or receive calls while on the Sprint National Network.)
1.Select >Settings>Others>Roaming>CallGuard.
2.Select On or Off.
1.From standby mode, dial 1 + area code + the
number and press .
2.Press to proceed while the
– or –
Press any key to erase the
1.Press . (A message will be displayed notifying you that roaming charges will apply.)
2.Press to proceed while the
– or –
Press any key to erase the
Note: If the Call Guardfeatureis setto On,you need to takeextra steps to makeand receiveroaming calls.
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