6. Configuring the Gateway


PLC input


Bit 15 ...................Bit 8


Bit 7 ..................... Bit 0




Managing the downstream Modbus network


Gateway status word



Value of the motor starter c status register

Periodic communications


Free memory location


Value of the motor starter e status register


Value of the motor starter f status register

Monitoring of


Value of the motor starter g status register

TeSys U motor starters


Value of the motor starter h status register



Value of the motor starter i status register



Value of the motor starter j status register

Aperiodic communications


Free memory location


Slave no. (16#01-16#08)


Function number


Number of bytes

Reading the value of a motor starter



read (16#02)



parameter (RESPONSE)






Value of the parameter read (16#xxxx)

Aperiodic communications


Slave number


Function number

(16#01 to 16#08)





Writing the value of a motor starter


Address of the parameter written (16#xxxx)

parameter (RESPONSE)


Value of the parameter written (16#xxxx)

Aperiodic communications


Read parameter


Write parameter

(“Trigger bytes” for the responses)

response counter


response counter





Value of the “TeSys U Status Register”

Periodic communications


Value of the “Complementary Status Register”


Value of the “K7 Status Register”


Value of the “K7 Status Register 2 (free format)”

Monitoring of


Value of the “K7 Status Register 3 (free format)”

TeSys U motor starter d


Value of the “Warning Number” register



Value of the “Warning Register”



Value of the “Reserved : 2nd Warning Register”

8)Transferring the Profibus-DP coupler configuration: Once changes have been made to the Profibus-DP coupler configuration, it is necessary to validate the hardware configuration of the PLC rack, and to transfer the whole application to the Premium PLC on which the coupler is located. Please see chapter 4.2.13 Using and Monitoring the TSX PBY 100 Coupler Configuration, page 36.

6.8.4. Increasing the Amount of Periodic Output Data

E.g. “TeSys U n°4” motor starter. We are attempting to complete the control for this motor starter whilst retaining the currently controlled “Command Register” (address 704 = 16#02C0), and adding the following next register, that is to say “2nd Command Register” (address 705 = 16#02C1). The number of registers controlled is therefore increased from 1 to 2.

There are quite a lot of operations to be carried out. They are described in order below:

1)Changing the number of registers controlled: This step consists of changing the value of the “No. of Registers” in the “Query” and in the “Response” for the “Preset Multiple Registers” command (Modbus command for writing values of a number of registers). Start by selecting “Starting Address” from the “Query”, then change its value as shown at the top of the next page. AbcConf will automatically convert any value entered in decimal to hexadecimal. Do the same for the “Starting Address” element of the “Response” because the gateway checks the value of this field when it receives each Modbus response. If the value does not correspond to that of the query, the gateway will ignore the response.


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Image 58
Schneider Electric LUFP7 user manual IW4.0.16, IW4.0.17, IW4.0.18, IW4.0.19, IW4.0.20, IW4.0.21, IW4.0.22, IW4.0.23