6. Configuring the Gateway
6.10. Changing a Modbus Slave Configuration
Configuring a Modbus slave itself remains very simple because it only involves the name and the Modbus address of the node to which it corresponds. On the contrary, configuring Modbus commands is much more complete and is the subject of a separate object of its own (see chapter 6.11 Adding and Setting Up a Modbus Command, page 68).
You will need to change the configuration of a Modbus slave when you add a new Modbus unit (see chapter 6.7 Adding a Modbus Slave, page 50), using any method.
Changing the name of the node which corresponds to a Modbus slave is used to distinguish it from the other nodes when the configuration of its Modbus commands has been changed, for instance.
6.10.1. Changing the name of a Modbus slave
To carry out this operation, all you have to do is select the node which corresponds to the Modbus slave involved (“Devices:” section), click on the current name (value of the “(Name)” field, in the “Configuration:” section), then change it. After confirming the new name (“Enter” key or click outside the name’s data entry field), this will become effective in AbcConf, and the name of the node will be automatically updated in the “Devices:” section. An example is given below. The three red frames shown in this example show the consequences of the change made.
6.10.2. Changing the Address of a Modbus slave
To carry out this operation, all you have to do is select the node which corresponds to the Modbus slave involved (“Devices:” section), click on the value of the current address (value of the “Slave address” field, in the “Configuration:” section), then change it.
Reminder: The address of a Modbus slave must be between 1 and 247.
If you use Modbus slaves belonging to the Schneider Electric Speed Variation range, such as Altistarts or Altivars, do not configure ANY slaves at the addresses 65, 126 or 127 on the same Modbus network as these products, because these addresses are reserved when using these products.
After confirming the new address (“Enter” key or click outside the data entry field of the address of the Modbus slave), this will become effective in AbcConf, and the values of the “Slave Address” elements of the queries and responses in the Modbus commands for the selected node will be automatically updated. An example is given on the next page, but the updating of a single “Slave Address” element is shown: