Staple sort mode

Collated sets of prints or copies will be stapled and delivered to the offset tray. When saddle stitching is selected, the prints or copies will be stapled at the centre and delivered to the saddle stitch tray. The stapling positions, orientation, paper size for stapling, and stapling capacity are shown below.

Stapling positions







Portrait orientation





Landscape orientation
















Top left corner of








Available paper sizes: A4,






Available paper sizes: A3, B4,









B5, and 8-1/2" x 11"






A4R, 11" x 17", 8-1/2" x 14", 8-









Stapling capacity: Up to 50






1/2" x 13", and 8-1/2" x 11" R









sheets for any sizes






Stapling capacity: Up to 50















sheets for A4R, B5R, and 8-1/2"

























x 11"R, and up to 25 sheets for















other sizes
















Centre left two








Same as above






Available paper sizes: A3, B4,













A4R, 11" x 17", 8-1/2" x 14", 8-

positions of




























1/2" x 13", and 8-1/2" x 11" R















Stapling capacity: Up to 50




























sheets for A4R, B5R, and 8-1/2"

























x 11"R, and up to 25 sheets for















other sizes
















Lower left corner








Same as above






Available paper sizes: A3, B4,




of printouts














A4R, 11" x 17", 8-1/2" x 14", 8-















1/2" x 13", and 8-1/2" x 11" R















Stapling capacity: Up to 50




























sheets for A4R, B5R, and 8-1/2"

























x 11"R, and up to 25 sheets for















other sizes
















Saddle stitch on








Paper in the portrait direction






Available paper sizes: A3,













centrefold line.








cannot be saddle stitched.






B4, A4R, 11" x 17", and 8-



























1/2" x 11"R





























Stapling capacity: Up to 10





























sheets for any sizes






























Original orientation when using the staple sort or punch function

When using the staple sort or punch function, the original must be placed in the following orientations to enable stapling or punching in the desired position on the paper.

Staple sort



































































Document feeder


Document glass




Document feeder


Document glass
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Page 70
Image 70
Sharp AR-M451N specifications 11R, and up to 25 sheets for