Forms transport mechanism | IBM Proprinter emulation |
●9014 Printer
p1 = 0
Manual single form feed
p1=1 bis 3
ASF, bin 1 to 3
p1 = 6
p1 = 7
p1 = 8
ASF, bin 1 or 2
p1 = 9
ASF, bin 2 or 3
p1 = 10
ASF, bin 1 or 2 or 3
p2 = 0
AGC (automatic gap control)
p2 = 1 bis 6
PCC = programmable copy control (Print gap for 1- to
p3 = 0
p3 = 1
Paper exit front side (confirmed by start/stop key)
p3 = 2
Paper exit front side, (not confirmed by start/stop key, but controlled by application)
p3 = 3
Batch output (rear side)
Programmer Reference Guide |