Code tables
Meaning of the control characters in the code tables
NUL | Filler |
SOH | Start of header |
STX | Start of text |
ETX | End of text |
EOT | End of transmission |
ENQ | Enquiry |
ACK | Positive acknowledgment |
BEL | Audible alarm |
BS | Backspace |
HT | Horizontal tabulation |
LF | Line feed |
VT | Vertical tabulation |
FF | Form feed |
CR | Carriage return |
SO | Shift out |
SI | Shift in |
SP | Space |
DLE | Data link escape |
DC1 | Device control character 1 |
DC2 | Device control character 2 |
DC3 | Device control character 3 |
DC4 | Device control character 4 |
NAK | Negative acknowledgment |
SYN | Synchronize |
ETB | End of transmission block |
CAN | Cancel |
EM | End of message (end mark) |
SUB | Substitute |
ESC | Escape |
IS4 | Information separator 4 |
IS3 | Information separator 3 |
IS2 | Information separator 2 |
IS1 | Information separator 1 |
DEL | Delete |
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