Forms transport Epson LQ-2550 emulation
Programmer Reference Guide U26169-J-Z716-1-7600
© Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG 1995 Pfad: D:\SNI\Mackwitz\u26169\o26169e\26169e.k05
Relative vertical tabulation forward
The vertical print position is moved down in n/180 inch increments.
p1 Relative vertical movement in n/180 inch increments
Relative vertical tabulation reverse
The vertical print position is moved up in n/180 inch increments.
p1 Relative vertical movement in n/180 inch increments
Select vertical tabulation channel
This command selects the vertical tabulation channel that contains the ver tical tab stops
used by the Vertical tabulation command.
p1 Number of the vertical tabulation channel
Control sequence Hexadecimal Decimal
ESC J p11B 4A p127 74 p1
Range: X’00 p1 X’FF
Control sequence Hexadecimal Decimal
ESC j p11B 6A p127 106 p1
Range: X’00 p1 X’FF
Control sequence Hexadecimal Decimal
ESC / p11B 2F p127 47 p1
Range: X’00 p1 X’07