116 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
2. Modify the /etc/apache/httpd.conf file as directed.
Youare shown information concerning your key and certificate files. You are also
instructed on how to modify the/etc/apache/httpd.conf file for use with the Sun
Crypto Accelerator 4000 software.
Note – The correct version-number will be displayed for your configuration.
The keyfile is stored in /etc/apache/keys/base_name-key.pem.
The certificate request is in /etc/apache/keys/base_name-certreq.pem.
You will need to edit /etc/apache/httpd.conf for the following items:
You must specify the ports that Apache will listen to for
SSL connections, as well as for non-SSL connections. One
way to accomplish this is to add the following lines in
the Listen section:
Listen 80
Listen 443
In the LoadModule section, add the following:
LoadModule ssl_module /usr/apache/libexec/mod_ssl.so.version-number
In the AddModule section, add the following:
AddModule mod_ssl.c