Chapter 3 Configuring Driver Parameters 39
The device path name in the first line of the previous example is
”/pci@8,600000/network@1”. Device path names are made up of three parts:
device parent name, device node name, and device unit address. See TABLE3-10.
Toidentify a PCI device unambiguously in the vca.conf file, use the entire device
path name (parent name, node name, and the unit address) for the device. Refer to
the pci(4) online manual page for more information about the PCI device
2. Set the parameters for the above devices in the /kernel/drv/vca.conf file.
In the following entry,the adv-autoneg-cap parameter is disabled for a particular
Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Ethernet device.
3. Save the vca.conf file.
4. Save and close all files and programs, and exit the windowing system.
5. Shut down and reboot the system.
Setting Parameters for All Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 vcaDevices With the vca.conf File
If you omit the device path name (parent name, node name, and the unit address),
the variable is set for all instances of all Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Ethernet
TABLE3-10 Device Path Name
EntireDevice Path Name ParentName Portion NodeName Portion UnitAddress Portion
"/pci@8,600000/network@1"/pci@8,600000 network 1
"/pci@8,700000/network@1"/pci@8,700000 network 1
name="pci108e,3de8" parent="/pci@8,700000" unit-address="1" adv-autoneg-cap=0;