172 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
SSLRequireSSL, 150
SSLVerifyClient, 148
SSLVerifyDepth, 148
enabling, 112
enabling the board, 112
applications, building, 151
assigning an IP address, 52
auto-boot? configuration variable, 129, 131
autonegotiation, 23, 27
disabling, 37
pause capability, 27
setting, 23, 3 7
transmit and receive, 27
blanking register for alias read, 30
blanking values, 25, 30
building applications
libcrypto.a, 152
libssl.a, 152
.properties, 133
kstat, 43, 51, 128
setenv auto-boot?, 129
show-devs, 132
show-nets, 130
watch-net, 134
zeroize, 163
configuration, network, 52
configuring device driver parameters, 23
configuring Sun ONE Web Servers, 89
configuring the network host files, 52
cryptographic activity, 128
cryptographic algorithm acceleration, 3
cryptographic and Ethernet driver operating
statistics, 43
cryptographic driver operating statistics, 43
cryptographic driver statistics, 43
cryptographic libraries, 152
current Ethernet link properties, 47
custom applications, 151
dcatest, 122
subtests, 123
deleting security officers, 74
detecting 8-bit vectors, 30
determining cryptographic activity, 128
device path names, 39
diagnostic support, 3
diagnostics tests, 121
diag-switch? configuration variable, 130
Diffie-Hellman, 145
Digital Signature Standard, 145
directories and files, 19
hierarchy of, 19
displaying board status, 77
driver parameters, 23
configuring, 23
forced mode, 24
parameters and settings, 24
values and definitions, 24
driver statistic values, 128
driver statistics, 43, 44
driver.conf file, 38
driver_aliases file, 38
driver-specific parameters, 49
drop parameters, 30
DSS, 145
dynamic reconfiguration, 9
early detecting 8-bit vectors, 30
early drop parameters, 30
editing the network host files, 52