76 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
Managing Boards With vcaadm
This section describes how to manage Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 boards with the
vcaadm utility.

Setting the Auto-Logout Time

Tocustomize the amount of time before a security officer is automatically logged out
ofthe board, use the set timeoutcommand. To change the auto-logout time, enter
the set timeoutcommand followed by a single number that is the number of
minutes before a security officer isautomatically logged out. A value of 0 will
disable the automatic logout feature and the maximum delay is 1,440 minutes (1
day). A newly initialized Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board will default to 5
The following command changes the auto-logout time for a security officer to 10
vcaadm{vcaN@hostname,sec_officer}> set timeout 10