78 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
Loading New Firmware
It is possible to update the firmware for the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board as
new features are added. Toload firmware, issue the loadfw command and provide
a path to the firmware file.
A successful update of the firmware requiresyou to manually reset the board with
the reset command. When you reset the board, the currently logged in security
officer is logged out.
Resetting a Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board
In certain situations, it might be necessary to reset the board. Todo this, you must
issue the reset command. Youwill be asked if this is what you wish to do.
Resetting a Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board may temporarily cease the
acceleration of cryptography on the system unless there are other active Sun Crypto
Accelerator 4000 boards able to take over the load. Also, this command will
automatically log you out of vcaadm, so you must reconnect to the device by
logging back into vcaadm if you wish to continue administering it.
vcaadm{vcaN@hostname,sec_officer}> loadfw /opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/firmware/sca4000fw
Security Officer Login: sec_officer
Security Officer Password:
WARNING: This command will load new firmware onto the
the target device. You must issue a reset
command and log back into the target device in
order to use the new firmware.
Proceed with firmware update? (Y/Yes/N/No) [No]: y
vcaadm{vcaN@hostname,sec_officer}> reset
WARNING: Issuing this command will reset the
the board and close this connection.
Proceed with reset? (Y/Yes/N/No) [No]: y
Reset successful.