Chapter 4 Administering the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board With the vcaadm andvcadiag Utilities 57
Note – Touse vcaadm, you must authenticate as security officer. How often you
need to authenticate as security officer is determined by which operating mode you
are using.
Single-Command Mode
In Single-Command mode, you must authenticate as security officer for every
command. Once the command is executed, you are logged out of vcaadm.
When entering commands in Single-Command mode, you specify the command to
be run after all the command-line switches are specified. For example, in Single-
Command mode, the following command would show all the users in a given
keystore and return the user to the command shell prompt.
The following command performs a login as the security officer,sec_officer, and
creates the user web_admin in the keystore.
Note – The first password is for the security officer,followed by the password and
confirmation for the new user web_admin.
All output from Single-Command mode goes to the standard output stream. This
output can be redirected using standard UNIX shell-based methods.
File Mode
InFile mode, you must authenticate as security officer for every file you run. You are
logged out of vcaadm after the commands in the command file are executed.
$vcaadm show user
Security Officer Name: sec_officer
Security Officer Password:
$vcaadm -s sec_officer create user web_admin
Security Officer Password:
Enter new user password:
Confirm password:
User web_admin created successfully.