58 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
Toenter commands in File mode, you specify a file from which vcaadm reads one or
more commands. The file must be ASCII text, consisting of one command per line.
Begin each comment with a pound sign (#) character.If the File mode option is set,
vcaadm ignores any command-line arguments after the last option. The following
example runs the commands in the deluser.scr file and answers all prompts in
the affirmative:

Interactive Mode

In Interactive mode, you must authenticate as security officer every time you
connect to a board. This is the default operating mode for vcaadm. Tologout of
vcaadm in Interactive mode, use the logout command. Refer to “Logging In and
Out Withvcaadm” on page 58.
Interactive mode presents the user with an interface similar to ftp(1), where
commands can be entered one at a time. The -y option is not supported in
interactive mode.
Logging In and Out With vcaadm
When you use vcaadm from the command-line and specify host,port, and device
using the -h,-p, and -d attributes respectively,you are immediately prompted to
log in as security officer if a successful network connection was made.
The vcaadm program establishes an encrypted network connection (channel)
between the vcaadm application and the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 firmware
running on a specific board.
During setup of the encrypted channel, boards identify themselves by their
hardware Ethernet address and an RSA public key.A trust database
($HOME/.vcaadm/trustdb) is created the first time vcaadm connects to a board.
This file contains all of the boards that are currentlytrusted by the security officer.
$vcaadm -f deluser.scr -y