38 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
Setting Parameters Using the vca.conf File
Youcan also specify the driver parameter properties by adding entries to the
vca.conf file in the /kernel/drv directory.The parameter names are the same
names listed in “Driver Parameter Valuesand Definitions” on page 24.
Caution – Do not remove any of the default entries in the
/kernel/drv/vca.conf file.
The online manual pages for prtconf(1) and driver.conf(4) include additional
details. The next procedure shows an example of setting parameters in a vca.conf
Variablesdefined in the previous section apply to known devices in the system. To
set a variable for a Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board with the vca.conf file, you
must know the following three pieces of information for the device: device name,
device parent, and device unit address.

To Set Driver Parameters Using a vca.conf File

1. Obtain the hardware path names for the vca devices in the device tree.
a. Check the /etc/driver_aliases file to identify the name associated with a
particular device.
In the previous example, the device name associated with the Sun Crypto
Accelerator 4000 software driver (vca)is”pci108e,3de8”.
b. Locate the device parent name and device unit address in the
/etc/path_to_inst file.
Refer to the online manual pages for path_to_inst(4).
In the previous example, there arethree columns of output: device path name,
instance number,and software driver name.
#grep vca /etc/driver_aliases
vca "pci108e,3de8"
#grep vca /etc/path_to_inst
"/pci@8,600000/network@1" 0 "vca"
"/pci@8,700000/network@1" 1 "vca"