Chapter 3 Configuring Driver Parameters 45
TABLE3-14 describes the transmit and receive MAC counters.
TABLE3-14 TX and RX MAC Counters
Parameter Description Stableor Unstable
tx-collisions 16-bit loadable counter incrementsfor
every frame transmission attempt that
resultedin a collision.
tx-first-collisions 16-bit loadable counter incrementsfor
every frame transmission that
experienced a collision on the first
attempt, but was successfully
transmitted on the second attempt.
tx-excessive-collisions 16-bit loadable counter incrementsfor
every frame transmission that has
exceeded the Attempts Limit.
tx-late-collisions 16-bit loadable counter incrementsfor
every frame transmission that has
experienced a collision. It indicates the
number of frames that the TxMAC has
droppeddue to collisions that occurred
after it has transmitted at least the
Minimum Frame Size number of bytes.
Usually this is an indication that there
is at least one station on the network
that violates the maximum allowed
span of the network.
tx-defer-timer 16-bit loadable timer incrementswhen
theTxMAC is deferring to traffic on the
network while it is attempting to
transmit a frame. The time base for the
timeris the media byte clock divided by
tx-peak-attempts 8-bit registerindicates the highest
number of consecutive collisions per
successfully transmitted frame, that
have occurredsince this register was
last read.The maximum value that this
registercan attain is 255. A maskable
interruptis generated to the software if
the number of consecutive collisions
per successfully transmitted frame
exceeds 255. This registerwill be
automatically clearedat 0 after it is