144 Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board Installation and User’s Guide May 2003
/etc/apache/servername:port.keytype.pass.If this file is not present, then the file
/etc/apache/default.pass is used. These password files contain only the
unencrypted password on a line by itself.
Note – Password files should be protected by permissions so that only the UNIX
user that the web server runs as can read the file.This user should be the same user
as configured with the standard Apache User directive.
If not specified, the default behavior uses an internal prompting mechanism. Do
not use the default; use the supplied sslpassword program instead, to avoid
problems with interaction at system startup.
2. SSLEngine (on|off)
Context: Global, virtual host
This directive enables the SSL protocol. It is typically used in a virtual host to
enable SSL on a subset of servers. One form commonly used is:
This statement configures the use of SSL for any servers listening on port 443 (the
standard HTTPS port). If not present, this protocol is turned offby default.
3. SSLProtocol [+-]protocol
Context: global, virtual host
This directive configures the protocol(s)that the server should use for SSL
transactions. The available protocols are listed and described in TABLEB-1:
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
SSLEngine on
TABLEB-1 SSL Protocols
Protocol Description
SSLv2 Original standardSSL protocol from Netscape
SSLv3 Updated version of the SSL protocol, supported by most popular
web browsers
TLSv1 Update to SSLv3 currentlyundergoing IETF standardization, with
minimal browsersupport
all Enable all protocols