Index 177
software, 10
Solaris operating environments, 10
SSL algorithms, 4
token files, 87
tokens, 87
transmit and receive pause capability, 27
transmit counters, 49
transmit MAC counters, 45
troubleshooting, 132
trust database
Sun ONE Web Server 4.1, 93
Sun ONE Web Server 6.0, 102
vcaadm, 58
TX and RX MAC counters, 45
TX MAC counters, 45
UNIXpci name property, 23
for OpenSSL, 151
for Sun ONE software, 92,1 01
user accounts, 69
user concepts and terminology, 86
utilities, 19
UTP, 23
values and definitions, 24
vca driver, 120
required software, 120
vca driver parameters
configuring, 23
forced mode, 24
parameters and settings, 24
values and definitions, 24
vca interface, 52
vca.conf file, 38
vca.conf file, example, 40
populating a keystore
with security officers, 70
with users, 71
backups, 74
changing passwords, 72
character requirements, 69
command-line syntax, 56
deleting users, 74
diagnostics command, 80
enabling and disabling users, 73
entering commands, 63
file mode, 57
getting help, 64
initializing the board, 65
interactive mode, 58
listing security officers, 72
listing users, 72
loading new firmware, 78
locking to prevent backups, 75
logging in and out, 58
managing boards, 76
modes of operation, 56
naming requirements, 69
options, 56
password requirements, 69
prompt, 61
quitting, 65
rekeying a board, 79
resetting a board, 78
setting auto-logout, 76
user name requirements, 69
using, 55
utility, 55
zeroizing board, 80
command-line syntax, 81
examples, 82, 8 3
options, 82
using, 81
utility, 81
vectors, 30