Chapter 4 Administering the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board With the vcaadm andvcadiag Utilities 81
bus, the DMA controller,and other hardware internals. Tests for the cryptographic
subsystem cover random number generators and cryptographic accelerators. Tests
on the network subsystem cover the vca device.
Using vcadiag
The vcadiag program provides a command-line interface to the Sun Crypto
Accelerator 4000 board that enables root users to perform administrative tasks
without authenticating as security officer.Command-line options determine the
actions that vcadiag performs.
Toaccess the vcadiag program easily, place the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 tools
directory in your search path, for example:
The vcadiag command-line syntax is:
vcadiag [-D] vcaN
vcadiag [-F] vcaN
vcadiag [-K] vcaN
vcadiag [-Q]
vcadiag [-R] vcaN
vcadiag [-Z] vcaN
Note – When using the [-DFKRZ] attributes, vcaNis the board’s device name
corresponds to the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 device instance number.
vcaadm{vcaN@hostname,sec_officer}> diagnostics
Performing diagnostic tests...Done.
Diagnostic Results
General Hardware: PASS
Cryptographic Subsystem: PASS
Network Subsystem: PASS
$export PATH