Chapter 5 Configuring Sun ONE Server Software for Use With the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 Board 97
b. Select the Cryptographic Module you want to use.
Each keystore has its own entry in this pull-down menu. Be sure that you select
the correct keystore. Do not select SUNW acceleration only.
c. In the Key Pair File Password dialog box, provide the password for the user
that will own the key.
This password is the username:password (TABLE5-1).
d. Provide the appropriate information for the following requestor information
e. Select the OK button to submit the information.
7. Use a certificate authority to generate the certificate.
If you choose to post your certificate request to a CA URL, the certificate request
is automatically posted there.
If you choose the CA Email Address,copy the certificate request that was emailed
to you with the headers and hand it off to your certificate authority.
8. Once the certificate is generated, copy it, along with the headers, to the clipboard.
Note – The certificate is different fromthe certificate request and is usually
presented to you in text form. Keep this data on the clipboard for Step5 of the
following section.
TABLE5-2 Requestor Information Fields
Field Description
Requestor Name Contact information for the requestor
TelephoneNumber Contact information for the requestor
Common Name Website Domain that is typed in a visitor’s browser hostname.domain
Email Address Contact information for requestor
Organization A value for the organizationto be asserted on the certificate
OrganizationalUnit (Optional)A value for the organizational unit that will be asserted
on the certificate
Locality (Optional) City,county, principality,or country, which is also
asserted on the certificateif provided
State (Optional) The full name of the state
Country Thetwo-letter ISO code for the country (for example, the United
States is US)